Saturday, February 11, 2012

Ang Tipo Kong Cj

            Ang Tipo Kong Cj

“I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of my mouth.” (Revelations 3:15)
A new movement was launched last Wednesday, February 8. Different groups and individuals gathered to form the “Ang Tipo kong Cj Movement.” The idea is to engage the ordinary person on the street to consider the entire “Impeachment” process as only a small part, although a significant part of a wider system that feeds and shapes each of its component parts. The Chief Justice is a crucial part of the vital whole called the Philippine Justice System. We are not only talking about the “Primus Inter Pares” of the Supreme Court as though everything hinges on this one person. The Impeachment of Chief Justice Renato Corona is as much about one as much as each of the members of all the parts of the Justice System. What is being revealed about one man may as well apply to many if not all of the members of the Judicial hierarchy from the Supreme Court to the lowest court in the poorest city and municipality of the land. Is it possible that the Chief Justice truly amassed so much money and property? We then continue to ask, is it possible that other members of the Supreme Court, the Court of Appeals, the Regional Trial Courts, the Fiscals office are just as capable of what the Chief Justice has done? This brings us to the painful question of how many in the entire judicial system can still be trusted? Fifty per cent? Forty per cent? Thirty percent? I am afraid, in people’s minds it is much much less than thirty per cent.
Many do not watch the Impeachment proceedings at all. There is cynicism and worse, resignation. Nothing can be done. It is useless watching a process where both camps are just making noise to protect each other’s vested interest. Is there really objectivity in the Impeachment proceedings? Are the Senator-judges fair and dispassionate? In the end, will the Senator-judges really vote in terms of the truth or something less noble will determine their votes?
The daily reportage on the Impeachment proceedings is at least bearing one important fact, the capacity of one man to compromise and literally sell out his honor and soul for material gain. We see how the story of Faust replays itself. And we realize how the story of cheapening and prostituting one’s dignity and integrity as a child of God is a possibility not only for the Chief Justice but for every member of the Supreme Court and all the other courts of the land. It is in fact a possibility for all of us.
“Ang Tipo Kong Cj” is a process of making every single Filipino reflect on both the Impeachment process and more. It hopes to engage each of us to reflect on what is happening throughout the entire Philippine society that is gradually destroying and killing the very soul of our people, the very soul of the Mother Land. I am not really impressed with the so called-“Old but Sharp” in the Supreme Court. I look at them and look hard and something in my heart of heart says “Sharpness is not exactly the same as telling the truth.” I look at the young and sometimes fumbling prosecution and I see not only the lack of preparedness but ambivalence. I look at the other Senator-judges and I don’t only see and hear what is being said now but what they said and did in the past that cast doubt on whatever they may beautifully and skillfully say and do now. The Impeachment proceeding is not only the trial of one man. If we were to reflect deeply, we all are on trial, especially those who may pretend to be what they are not. Those who look with cynicism and indifference, they too are on trial. Those who agonize and ask what good must be done for our country and people and should be done at once, those who see the Impeachment process as an opportunity to go redeem not only others but oneself from both cynicism and compromise; despair and resignation, perhaps they may be spared…

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