Monday, February 6, 2012

Thirty Years is not really a Long Time

            Thirty Years is not really a long time!

He yearns jealously over the spirit which he has made to dwell in us? But he gives more grace; therefore it says, “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. (James 4:5-7)

In 1982, I was assigned as an assistant to then UP Diliman Catholic chaplain Fr. Manny Gabriel. That was thirty years ago. My friendship with DAR Secretary Gil de los Reyes goes back that long.
            In 1982, I was not that much older than Gil who was a pre-law student. I was then a young priest overflowing with energy and idealism. Amidst the idealism I confronted many difficult questions that stretched my priesthood beyond its customary limits. A foremost issue then was the role of faith in the struggle for justice, human rights and freedom from oppression. There was no question among the progressive members of the UP Diliman community of that time that the dictatorship that we all were subjected to was immoral and had to be struggled against. Ten years earlier, in 1972, as a young first year college seminarian, I witness the imposition of Martial Law. This was the socio-political environment in which I met Gil and became friends with him and his batch of UPscans. Through the years, both friendship and idealism remained while Gil became a lawyer and rose in stature as Secretary of the Department of Agrarian Reform.
            Through the years, I saw him develop both his personal and professional sides. I am witness to his unflagging faith in God and the clarity and discipline of his work ethic. I saw him become a husband then a father and admirably grow into both roles in the past years since I solemnized his marriage to Nicole. Over the last thirty years, while Gil has grown in age and wisdom, what I first saw at the beginning seemed to have endured and acquired body and maturity like good wine.
 I will be thirty years a priest by March 18 this year. In preparation for this milestone,  I have started seeing many of my good and true friends. I realize how important real friends are as I went through the vicissitudes of the life of idealist engagement. While I belong to a church that expects priests to fulfill certain institutional and canonical expectations, I have always listened to and remained true to the inner voice. Gil has always been there, a faithful friend and companion along the way. He is one of a few who may not have always agreed with my ways but maintained his trust and friendship. Yesterday was a happy and encouraging meeting with Gil, Nicole, Teresa and Cristina. I have recently stumbled upon a beautiful quote from Clare of Assisi which somehow captures what I have felt and sought for through the years:
What you hold, may you (always hold)
What you do, may you (always) do and never abandon.
But with swift pace, light step,
Unswerving feet.
So that even your steps stir up no dust,
May you go forward
Securely, joyfully and swiftly,
On the path of prudent happiness,
Not believing anything
That would dissuade you from this resolution
Or that would place a stumbling block for you on the way,
So that you may offer your vows to the Most High
In the pursuit of that perfection
To which the Spirit of the Lord has called you.
(From the Second Letter of St. Clare to Agnes of Prague, quoted in “Franciscan Prayer by Ilia Delio OSF)
Deep gratitude and love to you Gil, Nicole, Teresa and Cristina. Till we meet again on Cristina’s birthday on October 4, 2012.

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